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Dalcroze Eurythmics

I hear you say…What on earth is it?

Jaques-Dalcroze coined the umbrella name of Eurythmics to cover several branches of study, of which the most central is Rhythmics. This is a way of developing physical skill in, and awareness of, musical events such as pulse and bar-time. He argued that the body must know what these events feel like and that it is not enough to have just an intellectual and aural understanding of them. Other key branches of Eurythmics are Sol-fa (ear-training) and Improvisation. In Rhythmics, pupils first of all build up physical experience and physical understanding at an unconscious level. Rhythmics is an enjoyable way both to learn and teach music and is particularly relevant to the needs of the National Curriculum.

As a music teacher and instrumentalist, I am convinced of the benefits of implementing the method from a young age, right through to the under-graduate music student. It gives pupils an all round musical experience and grounding, from which they can develop further musicianship and instrumental skills.
